What kind of bottles makes drinking water fun?

Every health expert in the world recommends an average of eight glasses of water every day. Every one, health experts included also know that this is a hard goal for most people as most cannot even get to five glasses.

Water bottles can be your solution for this. Water bottles will not only ensure that you are able to carry fresh water for drinking when travelling or at work, they also come in different sizes and styles that can help you be able know how much water you take on a daily basis. The different types of water bottles are:

Infuser water bottles

The main reason why people do not enjoy taking water is because they term it as tasteless, too plain. You do not have to take your water so plainly because with an infuser water bottle you can add flavor to your water. You can slice your favorite fruits like lemons into the infuser and fill your bottle with water. The fruit flavor will slowly and automatically infuse with your water.

Insulated water bottle

The insulated water bottle will be able to keep your water cool even when you are in high temperature areas. This makes drinking water much more fun as there is nothing better than chilled water during a hot day. These water bottles are big enough to hold enough water for you for longer. This water bottles are very useful for everyone who takes jogs, exercises and also partakes in outdoor activities a lot.

Life straw filter water bottles

This bottle ensures safe drinking for all using this water bottle. All the water that you are taking is filtered by the life straw to eliminate any harmful particles in the water and to make the water pure for human consumption. The life straw is replaceable and should be cleaned before every refill so that it can give the best service.

With these kinds of water bottles, even those who hate the taste of plain and warm water are able to take chilled and flavored water that has been filtered and purified. These bottles come in different makes and colors from that help you choose your favorite color and make.

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